Selasa, 08 Mei 2018

Simple Present Tense, Present Perfect Tense, The Present Perfect Tense, and Present Continuous Tense

I.                   The Simple Present Tense
1.      My sister doesn’t eat rice for dinner in the night
2.      She wants to drink milk every morning
3.      Does your sister usually sing in the bathroom?
4.      She turns on the lamp before sleeping.
5.      Rita enjoys her time with grandmother
6.      She cleans her house every Monday
7.      Do you listen what your teacher says?
8.      My friends sometimes play in my house after school
9.      I don’t always sleep early at 8 p.m
10.  I always pray five times a day

II.                The Present Continuous Tense
1.      We are baking some bread in the kitchen now
2.      Now I am not smoking
3.      They are swimming on Monday at 5 o’clock
4.      They are playing basket ball right now
5.      Is she sleeping right now?
6.      I am working in this school
7.      We are building our dream house next year
8.      I’m renovating my house this month
9.      He is doing a Science project right now
10.  I am catching a fish in the river today

III.             The Present Perfect Tense
1.      My grand father has just gone away due to an accident
2.      Has Agi called you ?
3.      Mother has slept for 3 hours
4.      Has the rain stopped now?
5.      She has drunk three bottles of wine, she must be get headache now
6.      The students have finished their examination, now they are waiting for the result
7.      oh my God, I have not turned off the stove.
8.      Have you already prayed guys? let’s pray now then.
9.      My parents have asked me to visit them several times.
10.  Jemi has not eaten her breakfast yet.

IV.             The Present Continuous Tense
1.      We have been pushing our car since 1 hour ago because we cannot find any gas station.
2.      Fitri has not been working in that company since 2 years ago.
3.      Have you been calling me since then?
4.      They have not been repairing those computers since a hour ago.
5.      Hendy has been joining the dancing club since high school.
6.      I have not been visiting my grandparents since last year.
7.      My parents have been discussing about their plan of travelling to London since last night.
8.      I have been checking my e-mail since yesterday.
9.      Jihan has not been watering those flowers
10.  This lecture has been being studied by them.

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